Thursday, August 21, 2008

Harry and Louise are back!

via WSJ's Health Blog.

Although I found them annoying the first time around... Scratch that, it's not like I'm old enough to really remember the ads the first time ... I remember finding them annoying when looking at them as an adult, in favor of health care reform and a huge Hillary fan.

I wonder if bringing Harry and Louise back will have an large an impact as it did the first time. I would say that most people in some way dislike the current health care system, either in the form of long waits for appointments, high bills, lack of coverage, etc. But is that enough for the country to fall into line for large scale reform? I have my doubts. Problematic as it may be, at least you know how the current system works (or maybe "resigned to the current system" is a more accurate way of putting it).

However, I still have my optimism. Large scale reform will happen someday.

Let's go Harry! Let's go Louise!

[View the old Harry and Louise.]

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